February 21, 2011 – Featured Installation: See new CoolTEAK on a Seadoo Challenger installed by Michigan Teak
St. Clair Shores, Michigan: PlasDECK installers at Michigan Teak recently completed the installation of the new CoolTEAK decking material on this Seadoo Challenger 1800. CoolTEAK has the elegant appearance of traditional maple planking with teak colored caulk lines, and is designed to stay 25°F to 30°F cooler than all other PVC decking material. CoolTEAK will not feel hot on bare feet, even in full sun.

Michigan Teak made templates of these deck spaces and then welded panels of CoolTEAK that were sized to fit and ready to be glued down. These panels are New York style (with no borders around the edges). This style can accentuate smaller spaces, making them look longer and bigger. Thanks for the photos, Michigan Teak! This Seadoo looks awesome!